Vishwabandhu Gupta (Suspended ex-IT Comissionar) talks senseless about Cloud Computing

Viswabandhu Gupta (Suspended ex-IT Comissionar) without knowing anything about Cloud Computing and all those latest technology talks useless and nonsense things. According to him we must not sell our phone because our contacts are automatically saved in the battery and how can we manage cloud computing if we will have rain. I suggest you to watch this video of […]

Play “Angry Anna 1.0” Online Now

Anna Hazare get to much angry on Indian Government for the corruption and on that gamesalad made games similar to Angry Birds. In this game you have Anna Hazare with his team and they have to get back black money and kill Manmohan Singh and company. Here is Angry Anna Game so play and enjoy it and if you like it […]

New India 2Rupee Coin with new Rupee symbol

The latest coins issued by the Government of India have the new symbol of the Rupee.  The new coin consist of the India Rupee Logo and the Lotus design. And the backside it has the Indian Emblem. The new rupee coin is a good example of this thought process- only where the graphics are concerned […]

Use Firefox In Oriya/Odia. Download Now.

Recently some new updated languages of Mozilla Firefox is released. Some new localized languages. Previously there were many Indian languages but now the Oriya version is launched.

Educating India In Open Source Way

In India government take many steps and spends crores of rupees in educational sector. presently India is saving crores of rupees by providing Open source software in the Educational Sector. This has been stared in Kerala and they have saved many revenue.