Google Assistant Tricks Every User Needs to Know!
Google Assistant Tricks Every User Needs to Know!
Google Pixel 2: Will It Be The Best Android Smartphone?
Google Pixel 2: Will It Be The Best Android Smartphone?
Get $400 Worth Google Earth Pro for Free

Google Earth Pr,the premium Version of Google Earth is now available for Free to Download and use. The Price was $400 per year but now Google sliced the price to $0. You can have 3D measurements or you can also create Video Tours around the world. You can download the license directly from Google Earth […]
Google vs DuckDuckGo : Search Features

Google is the Greatest Search Engine ever made and they update their algorithms regularly to provide best possible results to the users. But there is one little problem. They always Track what we search and provide us Filtered Results with tons of Ads. It’s like they always keep an eye on what we do online, […]
The Man behind Google Panda Algorithm- Navneet Panda

Google Panda is a Algorithm which changed Google’s Search Results by delivering High Quality Information to the Users. The First Algorithm was released in February 2011. This affected many low-quality and thin sites. These site having large number of Advertisements started dropping their Ranks due to this Algorithm.
Google YA Rest Internet Domination [Infograph]

Google is the World’s most Internet Dominating Company of the World. More than 1.1 Billion people search Google every month, 79% Android Smartphones. Still there are some other Giants who dominate in their Field like Facebook, Microsoft , Baidu, Apple.
What happens to your Online Data after you Die?

We dont think about Our Death because that is the End of Life and no one of us what Happens after that. So we do different Insurance Policies and plan for the Future Generations. This makes a Secure Future.
Google Wallet YA Paypal – Sending Money Online

Sending online money is the Fastest way and secure way to send money but Still People doesnt feel secure sending online. They prefer Bank Transfer rather. Previously Paypal was the best way to send money online but now some other Apps has been launched to send money online. Google Wallet is one of them. So […]
DropBox YA Google Drive YA Skydrive YA Others – Free Cloud Storage

Now a Days most of the Businesses have moved their platform to Cloud as it is Fast, Secure, Flexible and Cost Effective. Similarly we want to store our Files such as Images and Documents in safe storage. For that we need to use any Cloud Storage service which is Available in the Internet and most […]
Celebrating 5th Chrome Bithday with new Desktop offline Apps

Google Chrome, the most Popular and best web browser has completed 6 years of its launch. Currently it has more than 750 Million monthly active users. Google celebrated the Birthday to Chrome be adding a new section to the Chrome Store. The new section is “FOR YOUR DESKTOP” where you can get a new type […]
Drastically increase the Page Loading speed: Leverage browser caching

I always wanted to Increase the Speed of your Website because it Increases the Traffic. I also wanted to increase the Speed of my site. I used Google PageSpeed tool and GTMartix to check the speed of my site and it was 70/100 and 86% respectively. The suggestion was “Leverage browser caching by add Expires headers” […]
Do you want to know what is being posted on Google+?

Do you want to know what is being posted on Google+? Press the slash key “/” twice, then hit enter and click the “Most recent” link. Now wait a few seconds and then watch in real-time what people are posting on Google+ . Using this method you can get realtime posts of all the Google […]