How to have a Secured Web Browsing?

Whenever you use Internet at a Cafe you must always be as secure as possible because most of the time your Data and History is saved in Computer which you have used. Data in the since your passwords, login infos, credit card info etc and History means the list of sites which you have visited […]
How to use Firefox OS on your Windows/MAC/Linux OS?

Mozilla is an Organization which produces Open Source Application such as Firefox, Thunderbird etc. and currently preparing himself for the battle to the Mobile Operating System named as Firefox OS. Currently this OS in running on two mobile phones. So the mobile community users are waiting to try this new OS. If you are not […]
Use Firefox & Chrome to play Audio & Video Files

Now a days Browsers come with many features. Browsers are so productive that you can even run an Operating System using a Browser. A few days ago while experimenting I got a New Simple and Awesome Method to run Video and Audio files using a Browser. Lets imagine that you have formatted your Computer and […]
Google Chrome – Best browser in India , Asia and WorldWide too [Stats May 2012]

Today Google’s Chrome is the Most Popular Web Browser WorldWide followed by Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and Mozilla’s Firefox , and in India also Google’s Chrome is the Most Popular Web Browser which is followed by Firefox and then Internet Explorer.
Download Firefox 11 For Windows, Mac OS X, Linux : 3D Pages, Style Editor, More Speed and Security

Mozilla Firefox has been updated with a New Browser version that is Firefox 11 which has been officially declated and Available for Download. The new browser has some new Feature and Updates from his previous Version Firefox 10.
Download Latest Firefox 7 Release with some changes

Mozilla Firefox is one of the most widely used Web Browser in the internet. In last few months firefox is contineously releasing its updated version. About 6month ago it had released Firefox 4 and now it has already released version 7. The new featues that are added in the latest version of Firefox are its […]
How To Block/Remove Annoying News Ticker From Facebook

Do you like the new facebook version and all those things that have changed in facebook? In the right panel there is a new addition of Ticker or the real time news feed which shows the latest feed or the latest happenings by our facebook friends. Do you like that? If no then I am […]
Use Firefox In Oriya/Odia. Download Now.

Recently some new updated languages of Mozilla Firefox is released. Some new localized languages. Previously there were many Indian languages but now the Oriya version is launched.
Use DISCONNECT to stop Search Engine From Tracking Webpages

Disconnect is a browser extension that stops major third parties and search engines from tracking the webpages you go to and searches you do.
How To Block Websites In Mozilla Firefox

BlockSite is an extension, which automatically blocks websites of your choice. This extension will also disable all hyperlinks to these websites, by just displaying the link text without the clicking functionality.
Which is the Fastest Browser [Toon]

There is a great war going on in between Browsers. My friend as thought about it and made few pictures which describes the browsers by simply looking the picture. Here is the picture to show the Browsers in an Toon way..